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You have the power to love the way you live and work. 

I'm a certified executive coach for women lawyers and leaders in fast-paced environments. I'm the host of the Humble Rising Podcast and speaker focused on empowering you with evidence-based strategies and practices to create a life with more joy, fulfillment, purpose and alignment.

With over 15 years of experience as a big law litigator and Human Resources leader focused on leadership development, as first generation Latina, and mother of three, I uniquely understand the challenges and triumphs that come with paving your own life and career path while also having a family. I’m inspired to help women to create harmony between work, self-care, and relationships so they can feel less stress, confusion and overwhelm and more feel aliveness, alignment and confidence in how they're living. 

Hi! It's me,
Arivee Vargas


I host the Humble Rising Podcast that features conversations with powerful women leaders, including women of color and first-generation women leaders, and my actionable strategies on how we can create fulfilling lives and careers.  

What to Expect 

Snag Mindfulness and Intention Setting Exercises, and a Cheers to Your Monthly Wins (yes, monthly) because we don't honor and celebrate all we do enough!

To become more aware and present in your life.

10-Minute Mindfulness

Get this simple one-page template for setting your Intention for the month. Setting an intention directs your focus and attention on how you want to approach your life this month.

Set Your Intention For The Month

Get immediate access to this 5-minute fast and powerful tool.

Yes, You Did That This Past Month


Get Arivee's empowerment emails   


You may know me from:

I provide customized and evidence-based coaching to help women who've been in the corporate or legal game for a hot minute navigate how to create a life and career that aligns with they truly are, their values, priorities and what they really  want in their current season of life.  My coaching places a massive emphasis on time freedom and self-care to prevent burnout that is too common for women leaders and working mothers. Book a 30-minute call to see if coaching is right for you!

Life and High-Performance™️ Coaching

Top 15 Coaches In Boston 2022 and 2023 by Influence Digest

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Client Testimonials

Merilin C.

“Battling against mental fog (maintaining clarity) brought me to Arivee. A newly minted professional, my intuitive instincts seemed to be at odds with the culture and examples of success at my first job. The people pleaser in me wanted to oblige and do everything necessary to succeed, but this, I came to realize through our conversations, was inherently at odds with my deeply entrenched desire to live life freely and set necessary boundaries. Arivee is more than just a brilliant sounding board and dynamic personality, her thoughtful coaching approach (marrying Socratic method with intuitive listening and much more) makes me instantly comfortable. I am most thankful for her introducing me to gratitude practice. It has dramatically shifted my mood and allows me to remain steadily grounded during 2020's turbulent times and beyond.”

Jen B.

“I was really feeling stuck about where I should go with my career, should I stay or should I leave my current role and if I chose to leave what would I even do. I really love the job I have but worried about being stifled from getting to the next level and how much I had invested over the years that was maybe taking away from the life I had/could have had outside of work. A big question I had was what time, if any, would be the right time to make a leap and how would I know it's the right thing to do/I'd enjoy a new job as much as I love the one I am in. The big a-ha moment for me was learning about some of the traits I had and how those traits not only impacted me professionally (what would be the jobs that made me tick if I chose to leave) but how they played a role in my life personally. I often think of those things now both at work but also at home and it's really helped me understand the things that are important to me and that make me feel good about things both at work and outside of work.”

Ali L.

“When I sought out Arivee, I was struggling to balance all of my goals and interests. I was overwhelmed and not accomplishing anything because I lacked clarity and focus. I kept thinking myself in circles. Arivee not only helped me to see the truth I had deep down inside me, but helped me write my own permission slip. Working with Arivee helped me realize that I was letting fears hold me back and wasn’t standing in my truth. The clarity she helped me achieve allowed me to feel excited about and confident in moving forward with creating the life I have been dreaming for myself.”

But just don’t take my word on it, after all seeing is believing…View what some of my past clients have to say about our progress together:

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You're Ready Now.

You'll never feel ready. Being ready is a decision. Your new start can begin now. You deserve a life and career that makes you feel good - the Nina Simone-kind-of-good. No more waiting. Let's connect to work together.

Contact info

Boston, MA

Together, let's create the career and life you deserve

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