used to care so much about exceeding others’ expectations of me, about what they thought of me: was I smart enough, good enough, and had what it took to be “successful”.
I was often told I was too ambitious and that I did too much. That I needed to step back especially when I had kids. 🙄
Yes, when doing too much landed me in burnout, I had gone too far. But that was a season of my life and it just meant I needed an adjustment.
Now, I’m doing all the things I love and that give me life! I’m integrating all the parts of my life and allowing it be easier for me than before. I have hard moments but I’m anchored in my own power to adjust when needed.
I needed to give myself permission to be all of me and do what worked for ME.
I finally chose myself.
Self-love is still a journey for me but oh my goodness, I’ve come so incredibly far.
I care very little about what anyone thinks of how I live my life.
What matters is whether I love my life. Because no one is living it but me.
And I love that Dina Scippa and I are both on a similar mission to empower women to embrace their power, ambition, and all they are.
Listen to this second part of the two-part episode with Dina on the Humble Rising Podcast to hear Dina and I talk about how we as women can choose ourselves, and how we can step into what we actually want.
Listen here: or wherever you get your podcasts.